
Monday, April 9, 2012

Is Technology Rewiring our Brains?

In an article in USA Today, scientists are asking that question. Students today are very different from the way they were 20 years ago. Today's students are what are called "Digital Natives". They literally grew up with technology from the time they were babies. Some scientists believe that their brains might be rewired as a result of this early exposure to computers and technology.  Here is the link to the article:
Has Technology Rewired our Brains

Do you notice that today's kids lack social skills and are less aware of non-verbal cues than they used to be?
I feel that the widespread use of technology has changed all of us. Children have shown the biggest changes because they have had the most exposure to it but I know many adults who are not aware of non-verbal cues either when they are busy with their cell phones and other devices.

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